Three out of every four smokers have tried to quit at some point. Most have tried multiple times.

Patients who quit smoking for two months before their surgery have less than ⅓ the risk of lung-related complications as current smokers.

Having a surgery makes you twice as likely to quit smoking for good.

Smokers who undergo surgery have a higher risk of unplanned admission to the intensive care unit.

Remaining free of cigarettes before a surgery can reduce risk of blood clots and cardiovascular problems during the surgery. 

Those who quit smoking report having better control over their chronic pain.

Quitting gives a smoker 6 to 8 additional years of life.

Smokers have a higher risk of developing pneumonia and wound infections while hospitalized.

Within 12 hours of quitting smoking, blood flow and tissue oxygenation improves.

Surgeons will not perform certain procedures on patients who smoke due to the high risk of complications that come from smoking tobacco.